A Brief Summary of an Agreement in Principle

What is an Agreement in Principle? | MoneymanTV

Customers will always receive an Agreement in Principle from the lender before they can obtain a mortgage on a property. The reason for this is so that you know the lender will agree, in principle, to let you borrow from them.

This part of the process is carried out before the final checks and whilst even with this we cannot guarantee that you will get a mortgage, being given this is certainly a good sign that you’re on your way to mortgage success.

You’ll often see this online being called a Mortgage in Principle and a Decision in Principle. Sometimes it will be shortened to AIP and DIP. Though the collection of names can be confusing to home buyers, worry not as they’re all exactly the same thing.

Once you have gotten an Agreement in Principle, you will be ready for the next steps of the process, fully prepared to support any offers that you look to make as a first time buyer in Hull.

By having this document, you may also give yourself room to negotiate with the seller of the property on a lower price.

This is because it will showcase to the seller of the property in question, that you are a serious buyer and have the necessary funds to move on with the mortgage process.

Frequently Asked Agreement in Principle Questions:


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Will obtaining an agreement in principle affect credit score? 

We tend to find that a large amount of lenders these days are choosing to go with soft searches instead of doing hard searches. As a standard rule of thumb, a soft search will not affect your credit score, as they don’t usually leave a footprint.

Hard searches will leave a footprint behind, so having lots of them done can be quite damaging, especially if you fail it each time. That’s not to guarantee a soft search will have no effect, but it is very unlikely.

Soft searches offer less in-depth information than you would get from hard searches, though worry not as no matter which one the lender opts to use, they will be doing it for the right reasons.

Should I avoid hard credit checks? 

If you are not getting hard searches taken out on you regularly, then having one done should be pretty harmless. The problem arises is if you start having multiple hard searches taken out on you in quick succession.

Always remember that if you fully know that you do have a good credit rating, there is no need to be put off by the idea of getting a hard search done, especially if it will be the best option for you to go with.

Is an Agreement in Principle a guarantee that I will get the mortgage? 

Though it would be nice for us to say yes and lift your spirits, unfortunately even with an Agreement in Principle to hand, a mortgage is not always a guarantee at the end of the process.

The mortgage lender still needs to take a look at all of your documents and only after their checks are complete will a mortgage underwriter be able to make their final decision.

Customers often get in touch with us after they have previously been declined at the point of application, as they have neglected to read the small print that is stated within their Agreement in Principle.

You are required to provide your mortgage lender with proof of identity, the last 3 months payslips and bank statements to demonstrate your financial capabilities, before a mortgage lender will offer your case.

The required documentation is a little bit different for Self-Employed Mortgage applicants in Hull.

Can I make an offer without an Agreement in Principle? 

Whilst yes, you would be able make an offer without an Agreement in Principle to hand, you would be much better off for getting one prior to making any property purchase offers.

Whether you take the document, a lender will always have to agree in principle before the mortgage itself can proceed.

Any estate agent with credibility will want to see an AIP before they do business with you, as they need concrete confirmation that you have the funds to proceed and won’t be wasting anyone’s time.

How long does it take to get an Agreement in Principle? 

A trusted mortgage advisor in Hull will usually be able to obtain an Agreement in Principle within 24 hours of your free mortgage appointment.

How long does an Agreement in Principle last for?

An Agreement in Principle tends to expire somewhere between 30-90 days. Always be mindful though that you don’t just have to make an offer on the first house you encounter within your price range. Take as much time as you need.

If your Agreement in Principle expires, your mortgage advisor in Hull will easily be able to get you a new one, in order to help you make offers when you are ready to.

Finding the home of your dreams, only for a lender to decline you, can be both frustrating and crushing. To counteract this feeling, we would highly suggest that you get an Agreement in Principle as soon as you can, to make sure you’re wholly prepared for the mortgage process.

Agreement in Principle Mortgage Advice in Hull

To gain a better understanding about what an Agreement in Principle is and how they can be useful, take a look at our helpful YouTube video guide.

Date Last Edited: 09/28/2023