Divorce & Separation Mortgage Advice | MoneymanTV

When it comes to divorce or separation, it can be a challenging time. Processing the separation along with arranging finances as well as where you are going to live can slowly build up a lot of stress. Financial commitments should be at the top of your list and may come with some hurdles to overcome.

If there are children involved in these situations, the most common arrangement parents go for is where the children would live with the parent who is more of a stay at home parent. This means that the other parent would move out and there may be a point that whoever is ‘in situ’ wants to carry on the mortgage as a sole applicant. Another option is for both parents to leave the mortgage and begin their own.


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Any mortgage commitments you made together could be an element that makes the process a challenging one. If you are finding it difficult to sort this out, you may look at the assistance of a Mortgage Broker in Hull who can provide you with the specialist mortgage advice in Hull you need.

Through our time as an expert Mortgage Broker in Hull, our deal encounter with specialist cases on a daily basis. Our experience has provided us with the opportunity to help and guide a large range of customers experiencing a divorce or separation. Below is the top three questions we get asked when people get in touch:

How do I remove my ex-husband/wife from my mortgage in Hull?

With your mortgage commitments, it can be difficult if you are looking to change these. This is because both of your names are on your mortgage and it’s not as easy as it seems if you are looking to remove your now ex-partner off the contract.

If you do approach a dedicated Mortgage Broker in Hull for advice about removing a name from a mortgage, they need to be certain that the remaining applicant on the is able to and afford their mortgage completely as a sole applicant.

Both of you are required to have a full affordability assessment carried out on both of you even if you have kept p with mortgage payments or not. Sometimes, an applicant has managed to prove that they have been paying the mortgage payments without any help from their ex. However, this will not change the fact that their name is still linked into the deal and you still need to pass the lender’s check.

Around this time in the process, our team often find that people have already sorted out someone who will step in and replace the ex-partner on your mortgage. Normally, the person who steps in is either a family member, a close friend or a new partner altogether.

The way your affordability is assessed varies between lenders as they have their own unique way of carrying it out. With this in mind, don’t lose hope if you existing lender can’t help you out. You might find there is additional options out there for you as a homeowner so it’s always best to seek the help of a Mortgage Broker in Hull.

How do I remove my name from my ex-partner’s mortgage?

The good news is that the process works just the same, however, you are trying to move out and take your name off the mortgage. As mentioned, both of your names are still linked to your mortgage which means you are still responsible for any mortgage payments even if you choose to leave.

Regardless of if you have a verbal or written agreement between you both that states that your ex will be the one managing payments, it is not legally binding in the eyes of the lender so you will be deemed responsible.

In the event that you want to take out a mortgage on a new property, in your name, the lender will still take into account the mortgage payments for your old property. Therefore, it’s best you consider this if you are thinking of taking out a new mortgage. This is we always advise getting help from a professional Mortgage Advisor in Hull ahead of time.

We have found that people in these types of situations usually get confused and stressed out. This is where Hullmoneyman can provide a helping hand. Our friendly team can connect you to be of our experienced Mortgage Advisors in Hull who will be able to sort everything out for you. They can also advise you on the most appropriate option available to you as an individual looking at Moving Home in Hull.

You may find that a number of lenders are more generous than others when it comes to the amount they will lend to you. One may be strict and the other may be more lenient with them looking into your current mortgage commitments being a large factor in this during these circumstances. This is something we will take into consideration when recommending the most appropriate lender to apply for a mortgage agreement in principle with:

Second Mortgage Advice in Hull | MoneymanTV

Can I have two mortgages?

Depending on a variety of circumstances, many homeowners may have the option to have more than one and even more than two mortgages on different properties. This will involve a lot of things to be assessed from your lender and their credit scoring system if you were looking to apply for a second mortgage.

The overall reason for carrying out these tasks is to determine whether or not you can afford this route. In the circumstance where you are applying for multiple mortgages and are failing, this could negatively impact your credit score in Hull.

One of the many benefits of approaching a reputable Mortgage Broker in Hull, like ourselves, is that we are able to carry out a search for you without harming your credit file. As soon as we have keyed in all of your information, we can give you an estimation of the maximum borrowing capacity.

By having this information, you are able to have a rough idea of your budget including the costs of your monthly mortgage payments as well as current financial commitments you may have.

Dedicated Mortgage Advice in Hull

Some individuals find it challenging to move on from their current financial commitment, especially in cases like these. If you are in a similar situation, an expert advisor can provide a helping hand which can provide you with the help you need for the process of removing a name from a mortgage.

The aspect of moving home is already a stressful experience so adding a challenging situation like a divorce or separation can sometimes add some extra weight to the situation. Speak to a Mortgage Advisor in Hull today to see how we can help you.

Date Last Edited: 09/29/2023